See You Next Spring: Atlanta Lawn Care in the Fall

In these days following the end of Music Midtown, spend some time attending to your Atlanta lawn care. Starting in late September, Georgia begins its gradual transition from the sweltering summer heat to a more comfortable autumn. This city’s tree canopy starts to shimmer with golden leaves—and diligent neighbors talk about the best approach to keeping their grass healthy through the fall months.

Atlanta's true chill doesn't set in until later in the season, leaving plenty of work ahead. Warm-season grasses begin to go dormant from late October to mid-November, while strong, tall fescues stay vibrant year-round.

Regardless of grass type, they all need attention—watering, mowing, cleanup, pest prevention, weed management, and more–if you want a lush, vibrant lawn in the spring. Stick with us to ensure you've covered all the essential Atlanta lawn care tasks this fall.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 1: Continue Watering Until Late Autumn

In the early part of your fall Atlanta lawn care, keep watering regularly, giving it around one inch of water per week until late October. This aligns with the time when warm-season grasses like Bermuda, Zoysiagrass, and St. Augustine begin to go dormant.

As autumn progresses, you'll notice the grass's growth slowing down. Eventually, it'll stop growing completely and turn dry and brown. Don't worry, though, this is just its way of conserving energy during winter. When this happens, reduce watering to around 0.5 inches per week, adjusting based on rainfall. Remember, your grass isn’t dead; it's simply in a dormant state.

You can stop watering altogether once the temperature drops below 40°F, which is usually around December.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 2: Prepare for the Final Trim on Your Warm-Season Grass

As September rolls into late October, it's time to adjust your Atlanta lawn care routine. Give your grass a slightly shorter trim than you're used to during the blazing summer months. Check the following guidelines for setting your mower blades to the perfect heights for Atlanta's most common turfgrass varieties:

Hybrid Bermuda Grass: Trim it down to 1.5 inches.
Zoysiagrass: Keep it at 1 inch.
St. Augustine grass: Maintain a comfortable 3.5 inches.
Tall Fescue: Trim it to a neat 2 inches.

When Hotlanta succumbs to winter's chill and soil temperatures drop below 55°F, warm-season grasses embrace dormancy. This signals that it's time to bid adieu to your lawn mower until spring. The transition typically happens between late October and mid-November, so remember to do your final mow a few days or weeks before.

Now, what if your lawn boasts the cool-season charm of tall fescue? Fescue lawns go dormant when soil temperatures consistently dip below 45°F. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence in Atlanta during the fall. As a result, fescue lawns in the Peach State maintain their vibrant green color year-round, with reduced growth rates and less frequent mowing.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 3: Clear Away Fallen Foliage

As autumn arrives, trees and shrubs go through a colorful transition, with leaves falling onto your lawn. While this creates a beautiful scene, it can cause problems for your turf. The dead leaves form a dense layer called thatch, which blocks water and nutrients.

But removing them is a simple part of Atlanta lawn care. Use a rake to tidy up your lawn, making small leaf piles strategically placed for easy collection later.

However, fallen leaves aren't just extra work; they can be useful as organic mulch for trees, flower beds, and vegetable gardens. Let them dry out, then shred and spread them across the soil for nutrient-rich mulch.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 4: Administer a Preemptive Herbicide

To keep your lawn free of troublesome winter weeds like annual bluegrass, chickweed, and henbit, it's important to be proactive. These weeds tend to thrive when warm-season grasses are dormant, stealing nutrients and invading your lawn.

To keep your Atlanta lawn care ahead of the game, use a pre-emergent herbicide as your weapon of choice. Timing is key—apply it in September when temperatures consistently drop below 70°F.

However, if you plan on overseeding with tall fescue, be careful with fall weed control. The herbicide temporarily stops seed germination, affecting both the weeds and the desired grass seeds. This can keep them dormant for two to three months.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 5: Battle the Lawn Pests

In the wide expanse of lawns in Metro Atlanta, four troublesome pests—armyworms, Japanese beetles, mole crickets, and spittlebugs—are ready to wreak havoc if given the chance. Beef up your Atlanta lawn care strategies with this insider info.


These sneaky invaders leave behind brown spots on your lawn, and you may notice birds searching for an easy meal. Armyworms love Bermuda grass and fescue lawns. They invade during late August and early September.

Japanese Beetles (Grubs)

Grubs silently eat grass roots, leaving patches of dead turf. They become noticeable in Atlanta lawns between October and November.

Mole Crickets

These subterranean pests tunnel through your garden, feeding on grass roots and stems. Their activity shows as small mounds of earth on the surface. Bermuda and fescue lawns have some relief, but Zoysiagrass, Centipedegrass, and St. Augustine lawns are more at risk. Mole crickets are active from September to October.


A nuisance to warm-season grasses, spittlebugs leave a frothy white residue on stems and leaves. They are present from June to September.

So, how can you confront these pests in your Atlanta lawn care routine?

Stay Vigilant

Be watchful and identify their presence as soon as possible.

Seek Professional Help

Hire a trustworthy lawn care company that can apply appropriate pesticides suited to your specific pest problems.

Fertilize Strategically

As winter approaches, consider moderate fertilization between October and November. This helps strengthen your lawn's roots, making them more resilient against pest attacks.

In the ongoing battle against these pests, proactive measures and professional assistance are vital in maintaining the health and beauty of your Atlanta lawn.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 6: Revitalize Your Fescue Lawn Through Aeration

Aerating is a huge part of Atlanta lawn care. The timing depends on the specific grass variety in your yard.

For warm-season grasses, the best times for aeration are spring and mid-summer. But if your lawn is shaded and adorned with lush tall fescue, the prime window is in the fall, from early to late October.

Despite tall fescue's ability to withstand foot traffic, outdoor activities can compact the soil beneath. Compacted soil poses a problem by slowing water absorption and hindering the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the roots.

That's where core aeration comes in, which involves removing small soil cores from the ground. This technique creates tiny openings that greatly improve drainage. These openings act as channels, allowing air, water, and vital nutrients to reach the roots quickly.

If you're inclined to do it yourself, investing in a high-quality core aerator lets you revitalize your soil in the fall. Alternatively, you can hire a reliable lawn care company in the Metro Atlanta area that offers comprehensive seasonal lawn maintenance. Either way, aeration will benefit your fescue lawn by keeping it healthy and resilient.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 7: Revitalize Your Tall Fescue Lawn with Overseeding

After the scorching heat of summer, tall fescue lawns in Atlanta often show signs of wear and tear. You'll notice brown patches and thinning grass, which can be quite unsightly. Luckily, September and October bring ideal weather conditions for breathing new life into your lawn. All it takes is overseeding with fresh grass seed.

The process of overseeding with fescue acts as a rejuvenating tonic. It restores thickness to your lawn and eliminates those persistent dead spots. To get your Atlanta lawn care ready for this revitalizing task, follow these steps

Mowing and Clipping Collection

Start by mowing your lawn and collecting the clippings. This creates a clean canvas for the overseeding process.

Aeration for Robust Root Regrowth

Next, aerate your lawn to promote healthy root development for the new seeds. This step ensures better establishment of the new grass.

Application of Starter Fertilizer

Boost soil fertility by applying a layer of starter fertilizer. This provides essential nutrients to support the growth of the new grass.

If you're thinking about establishing a brand-new lawn with tall fescue in Atlanta's climate, October is the perfect time to start. Whether you're rejuvenating your existing lawn or creating a fresh one, tall fescue overseeding in autumn promises a lush and thriving landscape for the seasons to come.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 8: Embrace Autumn Planting Opportunities

Fall in Atlanta is the perfect time to explore new planting opportunities. With temperatures consistently below 80°F throughout September and remaining above 45°F until mid-November, the transitional period offers an ideal chance to turn your landscaping dreams into reality. Here are some Atlanta lawn care ideas to consider:

Enhance Your Tree Canopy

Add one or more trees to your outdoor space not only for their beauty but also for the shade they provide, making your surroundings more comfortable.

Add Structural Charm With Shrubs

Incorporate shrubs into your landscape design to create structure and a touch of privacy in your outdoor oasis.

Flourish With Flowers

Boost your garden's visual appeal by establishing captivating flower beds that promise vibrant colors in the spring.

October is the best time to plant tulip and daffodil bulbs in Atlanta, setting the stage for a breathtaking floral display in the upcoming seasons. Additionally, November presents an excellent opportunity for tree planting, ensuring a strong start for these beautiful additions to your landscape. Embrace autumn and let Atlanta's landscape be transformed and elevated by your vision.

Atlanta Lawn Care Tip 9: Ensure Optimal Soil Health by Verifying Soil pH

It's crucial to assess your soil and confirm that it falls within the pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. This is vital for efficient nutrient absorption and proper Atlanta lawn care. Over time, the well-known red Georgia clay soil tends to become acidic unless addressed. To effectively tackle this issue, you must conduct a pH test in early to mid-fall

The preferred solution for correcting acidic soil is usually granular lime. However, it's important to note that this treatment takes time to fully work, often spanning up to six months. To ensure your lawn's health and readiness for fertilization in May, it's recommended to apply lime during October or November. This strategic timing means that your soil is properly prepared to receive and benefit from the upcoming fertilization efforts, resulting in a lush and thriving lawn in springtime.

Fall Atlanta Lawn Care For Year-Round Gorgeousness

As temperatures cool, warm-season grasses have to be taken care of to survive the winter and thrive come springtime. Through proper Atlanta lawn care measures, homeowners can ensure that their yards remain vibrant and lush come March or April. Moreover, a little creativity goes a long way when tending to a lawn. Try planting some perennials associated with autumn (such as chrysanthemums) to create an aesthetic look and add splashes of colorful foliage about your front or backyards!

Don’t forget about doing some essential lawn care maintenance in preparation for the upcoming wintry season. It’s a huge part of your property’s curb appeal. With a little TLC, your yard will be ready for whatever Mother Nature throws its way.